All manmade things degrade over time, even your square cooling towers get wear and degradation with passing time. However, you can slow down the degradation process by regularly planned inspection and maintenance practice. The more you check the internal of cooling tower, the more you get to know the status and present condition of your cooling tower. Such checks and regular inspection help the owner in securing funds that can be used for future maintenance and repair.

The various types of potential reinforced concrete maintenance faults related to cooling tower operation include-

  • Leaking cracks in the walls of the concrete tower
  • Adhesion joint sealant failure
  • Expansion joint deterioration
  • Embedded waterstop leakage
  • Lack of foundation support for the structure of cooling tower
  • Anchor bolt corrosion
  • Concrete surface paste erosion and more

No matter if the issue is small or serious one, owner of the cooling tower needs to take engineered solution to correct the repair, crack, contaminant level, and other issues happen to the tower. The strategy of repairing cooling tower includes-

  • Recognizing and determining the cause behind failure of concrete or structural elements.
  • Using premium quality materials in construction and repairing task.
  • Contacting the experienced contractor who is delivering a solution, and well-planned QA/QC program for repairing.

Most of the experts have shared their experience and revealed that every cooling tower structure brings unique challenges to a repair contractor. Be it a repairing of partial or complete internal structure, containment liner, crack, foundation stabilization, or anything else, it is always important to take professional assistance. There are manufacturers of square cooling towers that believe in adequate, thoughtful, and detailed repair approach for each cooling tower system.

How they control Legionella in cooling tower?

Cooling towers regularly contain Legionella bacteria. The bacteria grow at temperature ranging between 95 F and 115 F. The warm water in the piping and sump of cooling towers contain many dissolved nutrients that provide ideal environment and habitat for the bacteria. It is common if you diagnose occurrence of Legionella in cooling tower.

There are heated spas, fountains and misters that act like a source of Legionella outbreaks and most plumbing systems are at greatest risk of Legionella infection. It is tough to get rid off from Legionella using normal chemical biocides. Bacteria also survive in low numbers in several portable water systems and can contaminate well-maintained cooling tower with the addition of makeup water.

Oxidizing biocides are suggested as the best treatment for Legionella. This biocide can be harsh for metal surfaces and thus, it is not applied to every cooling tower. Chlorine based oxidants work effectively if the level of chlorine is high. Ozone is also a proven treatment for controlling the bacteria. It will oxidize the organic constituents of slime. It also kills protozoa and lowering the availability of this Legionella sanctuary.

If you are using square type cooling tower and get it serviced by experts, contact the nearest best Square Cooling Tower exporters of your town today. Make tests and checks and get the faults repair in no time.

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